Autumn Exhibition

Future of the Car Camera Industry: Expansion and Change Coexist



The “2023 Car Camera Market Change and Expansion Exchange” has successfully concluded.

The implementation of the new national standard GB/15084-2022 Performance and Installation Requirements for Indirect Field of View Devices for Motor Vehicles bring electronic rearview mirrors into mass production, also demonstrating that new technologies like CMS that enhance road safety have been recognized by policies.

In these new technologies, car cameras, as the “eyes” of the vehicle to perceive the world, have become increasingly prominent, entering a period of rapid growth in both volume and price. However, car cameras in a dominant position also face difficulties in technological change.

▲Zhu Xiaoting, Director of Commercial Vehicle Department, the CIMP

When talking about the current car camera market, Zhu Xiaoting, director of commercial vehicle department of the CIMP, said that, “Expansion and change coexist”.  Although the development of car cameras is driven by both policy and market, there are higher requirements for both quality and quantity of the products. The "fate" of car cameras is to constantly "upgrade and iterate" to meet market demand and national standards.

Despite the difficulties and changes, the prospects for car cameras are still bright, especially in the commercial vehicle sector.

With increased industry regulation on the safety of commercial vehicles, there will be more and more solutions to enhance road safety, hence the rise in the use of car cameras in the commercial vehicle sector. The Exchange focused on the application of car cameras in "autonomous driving" and CMS.

▲Wei Jianquan, Director of Sensor Products, Guangdong Liuli Smart Mobility Co.,Ltd.

Wei Jianquan, director of Sensor Products of Guangdong Liuli Smart Mobility Co.,Ltd. talked about the application of car cameras in agricultural autonomous driving. Mr. Wei said that compared to road autonomous driving, farmland autonomous driving has special requirements for cameras because it needs to identify the environment and combine with the characteristics of farmland operations. With the development of agricultural autonomous driving, the demand for numerous different camera sensors in single vehicles will increase.

In conclusion, Guangdong Liuli Smart Mobility Co.,Ltd. hoped that car camera suppliers can provide products that are available for more application scenarios and that can cooperate with perception algorithms, to together achieve the best solution in farmland autonomous driving.

▲Huang Hong’en, CMS Product Director, Guangzhou Intelligent Horse Technology Co., Ltd

Huang Hong’en, CMS Product Director, Guangzhou Intelligent Horse Technology Co., Ltd, gave some thoughts on the current hot CMS product. Mr Huang said that CMS can effectively solve the problem of blind spot vision and greatly reduce the distress caused to drivers by road traffic and bad weather. Although regulations allowing CMS mass production are not yet in place, Chinese car camera companies have already done quite well in terms of technology. For example, the 1.0 version of Intelligent Horse could perfectly cope with bad weather such as heavy storms, and the subsequent 2.0 version achieved excellent performance in dark environments, and the time delay was compressed to 20 milliseconds, far below the national standard of 200 milliseconds.

Above all, we can see that the Chinese car camera industry has entered a phase of rapid growth. In the context of favorable market and policy support, how should car camera enterprises seize the opportunity?

▲Song Xin, Vice-president at Guangzhou Jinghua Precision Optics Co., Ltd

Song Xin, vice-president at Guangzhou Jinghua Precision Optics Co., Ltd said that although Europe and the United States have a first-mover advantage in auto R&D, in the segment of car cameras, Chinese companies have already achieved technological parity and even surpassed in the application of technologies including pixels. Especially after 2018, with the development of new energy vehicles in China and the entry of camera manufacturers in other categories, Chinese in-car cameras are bound to occupy a larger and larger share of the international market. However, the first-mover advantage of foreign manufacturers still exists, so Chinese camera companies should deepen their cooperation and play to their respective strengths to achieve a win-win situation.

What’s more, Mr. Song predicted that, “In less than 5 years, China will take the lead in both camera industry and auto manufacturing.” And he added, “The future of the auto industry is in China!”


Then, Mr. Long from Autocruis asked Mr.Song about the development of CMS camera for commercial vehicles.

Mr. Song pointed that, first, because of the large vehicle body, commercial vehicle camera angles are usually between 120°-140°, and because the commercial vehicle in the transportation process may occur in the goods obscuring the camera and other issues, the camera companies need to make corresponding adjustments in the process of research and development for these special conditions.

Second, camera companies need to work on the transmission effect to better cope with various special operating scenarios of commercial vehicles.

Third, since commercial vehicles are likely to encounter various extreme environments in the course of operation, the ability to resist dirt, anti-magnetic, water, temperature, and shock is necessary for commercial vehicle car cameras.

Mr. Long from Autocruis, a CMS Solution Provider

After that, Mr. Long added to share the development of overseas commercial vehicle CMS. Given the earlier development of CMS for overseas market, foreign commercial vehicles, including brands such as Mercedes-Benz and Volvo, have been on board CMS in bulk for a long time, and as domestic commercial vehicle OEMs are willing to refer to and benchmark the CMS solutions of foreign friends, he suggested that domestic CMS manufacturers should learn from foreign camera manufacturers. At the same time, he hoped that domestic car camera manufacturers can develop and produce more cameras for commercial vehicles, enlarging Chinese CMS industry.

Above all, we can foresee the rapid growth of Chinese camera industry in both quantity and price, but there are still difficulties and problems need to be solved, among which the most important one is the “chip shortage”.

Liu Yulong, Technical Director of Video Product Line at Shenzhen Seg Smartechs Co., Ltd

“How to solve the chip shortage?” From the technical difficulties, Liu Yulong analyzed the current "chip constraint" problem faced by Chinese car camera industry. In order to solve the problem of delay, the camera must use digital signal transmission technology. However, the chips that enable this technology are only in the hands of a few companies around the world, but these companies only give priority to large companies, making it increasingly difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to address chip shortage. So he hoped head enterprises can play a leading role to strengthen cooperation with domestic chip enterprises to develop Chinese own chips. 

In this regard, Mr. Song suggested that Ethernet may be the best tool to get rid of the chip constraint for car cameras.

Pan Yue, General Manager of Guangzhou Pingfu Electronics Co., Ltd

Pan Yue, general manager of Guangzhou Pingfu Electronics Co., Ltd argued that the market is growing due to the increased demand for car cameras, but companies have to consider the development strategy according to their specific situation. 

Mr. Pan pointed out that for small and medium-sized enterprises, "choosing the right customer is crucial". It is difficult for small and medium-sized car camera companies to get orders from OEMs, who have high requirement of material in all segments.  Instead of spending a lot of energy and money to overcome OEMs, it is better to choose appropriate customers.

Wang Weishuai, General Manager at Shenzhen Zongmu Technology Co., Ltd

Wang Weishuai, general manager of Shenzhen Zongmu Technology Co., Ltd put forward a new idea that “foreign market is bigger than domestic market”, Mr. Wang suggested that we should turn to overseas markets, especially those emerging countries. At the same time, Mr. Wang argued that “fuel cars should be the core of attention”, Countries like Africa and Iran prefer to use fuel cars, domestic companies that want to do business in this area should focus on the development of car cameras for fuel vehicles. In addition, Mr. Wang also mentioned that with the increase of domestic and foreign demand for motorcycles, motorcycle recorders will be an important growth point of the car camera market.

▲ Zheng Guodun, Director of CMS Product of Huizhou Yanghua Group Co., Ltd

Zheng Guodun, director of CMS Product of Huizhou Yanghua Group Co., Ltd shared some thoughts as a car camera user and OEM. Mr. Zheng said, OEMs want to reduce the cost and hope that car camera manufacturers can make perfect products, achieving “one camera can adapt to many models”. For CMS products, OEMs want to know whether CMS cameras can take on the function of ADAS cameras at the same time.


All guests attending the exchange highly praised the CIMP for hosting the Exchange and they hoped that there would be more exchanges.

▲“A professional commercial vehicle trade and exchange platform, a well-deserved commercial vehicle industry event”, the CIMP sincerely invited all guests to attend the 2024 Shenzhen International Commercial Vehicle Ecosystem Expo.”

The organizer said that it will make further efforts to live up to customers’ expectations and take up its responsibility to create more opportunities for communication and interaction within the industry and to empower the sustainable development of the industry.

Finally, we sincerely invited all guests to participate in the 2024 Shenzhen International Commercial Vehicle Ecosystem Expo which is going to be held at Shenzhen World Convention and Exhibition Center (Bao’an) from March 7-10, 2024, for more in-depth communication and interaction for further communication.

Led by the CIMP, over 10 key car camera companies came together to discuss the current development of the car camera market and future trends, and put forward their insights and views on the problems encountered in the industry. All participants said they had gained a lot and hoped that there would be more opportunities to communicate with each other in the future!

And the organizer CIMP said that they will continue to develop the advantages of the platform, create more opportunities for communication in the industry, and achieve high-quality development of Chinese commercial vehicles.

Founded in 2006, Shenzhen International Smart Mobility, Auto Modification and Aftermarket Service Ecosystems Expo (referred to as: CIMP AutoEcosystems Expo) has been successfully held for 23 sessions. With the core concept of ‘Technology, Fashion and Trade’, the exhibition is the most influential and the only large-scale exhibition and trade platform in Asia covering Auto Technology, Vehicle Release, Auto Aftermarket, and Auto Culturecategories and business form. The 2024 CIMP AutoEcosystems Expo will be expanded and upgraded comprehensively, with the total exhibition scale of 280,000 square meter and the buyers are expected to exceed 300,000.“Media and VIP Buyer Day” will be established for the first time, and the exhibition period will be extended to 4 days. The Expo consists of four major themed exhibitions: Shenzhen International Custom Modified Vehicle Exhibition, Global Intelligent Vehicles Conference and Fair, Shenzhen International Commercial Vehicle Ecosystems Expo, and Shenzhen International RV & Camping Exhibition, which is a grand ceremony in the automotive industry dedicated to creating a global annual high-quality and efficient new products, new technology releases and trading platforms. 



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